A late arrival

FCBA West Coast Day 3, June 4, 2017

As we were leaving home for the airport a court official pulled up in the driveway to serve me a witness subpoena for a court date in mid-July. That seems so distant now that I’m gone, just as Orlando and all the life that it holds for me in the future. These escapes I take with the Fuller CenterBicycle Adventure are a suspension of one reality to be submerged into another. My “reality” is working in a fantasy world where “experience” is fabricated, duplicated, and sold to a world-wide market millions of times over- where you can have all the fun you want as long as you don’t imagine or create it yourself. Queue up to color life, but stay within the lines.

This line I’m about to take is white and on the shoulder of the road. It borders endless possibilities and fires the imagination as America, the real America, unfolds under our wheels. Since 2013’s ride I’ve been involved with the Fuller Center for Housing in some manner; though not riding last year I did meet the group at their start (Seattle) and finish points (Washington D.C.). There are three Summer Rides [insert] this year; ours is the West Coast, from Seattle to San Diego.

I flew the “Friendly Skies”. They’re over-compensating after their “incident” a month or so ago. As we boarded Captain Mike and First Officer Mike invited some young boys into the cockpit while their mom took their pictures. I exclaimed “Aww…I wish I was cute!” and maybe was, because they  invited me to follow suit. I declined, because I’m cool and all that, but DAMN I wish I jumped in the cockpit for a photo op! I’ll never get another chance, but the fact United folks made that offer means a lot. Oh, and at snack time the attendant handed me TWO bags of pretzels- everyone else only got the standard ration! I felt like I was on Air Force One! Keep up the good work, United!

I had 3 hours to kill at Denver. The best thing about that airport is the concourse if FULL of weed kiosks because pot is legal! (Yeah; believe that I’ve got some oregano for you). I mean, why not? There are slot machines in Vegas Airport, Mickey Mouse is everywhere in Orlando International Airport- each with local flavor. Denver seems rather generic as it is.

Stump House
I got here last Wednesday. The riders started arriving Friday, though I have taken these four days in the Seattle area to visit my daughter Cherisse, so will meet them later today; Sunday. We start riding Monday. They will all have met and bonded through a work day Saturday and practice rides, so I’ll be the new kid when I show up. I’m so sorry I missed a day of moving furniture…but must make sacrifices for family.

It has been a good visit so far. Washington State is always beautiful! I hate to leave but short visits are best. Today I’m on a mission, for the next month. "Oyee!"
